Colofon (English)

In 1999 the family tree of the Froklage, Vroklage and Wrocklage family was published in book form. Since august 2007 there is a website which is an update of this family tree.
A lot of new data have been added. The questions where the family comes from and the meaning of the name has been solved.

There are 3 family trees named Wrocklage. The family tree F/V/Wro (c)klage starts in Ankum at Westfalen and runs from 1411 to now. The families Froklage and Vroklage descend of this family tree..
De second family tree Wrocklage originates from Vinten also at Westfalen. The data of this family tree you can also find on this site. Till now it’s not clear whether there is a relation between the family tree Ankum and the family tree Vinten. However both family trees probably started in the same age.
The third family tree Wrocklage also starts in Vinten. This family tree has connections with the other two family trees. We hope to tell you more about it soon.
.A big amount of work concerning researching the family tree from Ankum, up to 1815 was done by Cees Vroklage. The research from 1815 till now and the writing and digitalizing of all data was done by Corrien Froklage. We also thank Mrs. Wrocklage "Altbäurin" of the in Vinten who is responsible for researching the history of the “Wrocklagehof”. .
Corrien Froklage august 25 2007